Joseph Business Quarterly
September 2024


$25 Million Dollars

For entrepreneur scholarships by 2024


These scholarships are a vision of Dr. Bill Winston to cover the training expenses of our entrepreneurs as they attend our Faith & Marketplace four-month Program.

The Joseph Center® Foundation is committed to bringing economic justice and wealth-producing opportunities to impoverished communities. Of equal importance to us is your success as a Joseph Center Foundation Partner! As you have sown into the anointing that is on Dr. Winston and the work of the Joseph Center, you can expect the same grace and favor to be on you and your business.


The Joseph Center® Foundation (JCF) is the prophetic and funding arm of the Joseph Business School, which is raising up business leaders with the prophetic anointing of Joseph. These leaders will eventually be the financial gatekeepers of the world and the producers of goods and services that will guarantee the preservation of all humanity.

GOD gave the biblical character Joseph WISDOM that brought forth the most powerful economy that the world has ever seen. His wisdom brought SECURITY and STABILITY on a global scale.

There was an ANOINTING on Joseph that produced PROVISION that would feed the nations in a time of worldwide famine.

NOW, IN OUR TIME, IN THIS GENERATION, God is raising up and releasing KINGDOM LEADERS who will impact the world. YOU can play a vital part in seeing this vision come to pass!



Entrepreneurs with Million-Dollar Businesses in Five Years

"Believers are supposed to bring forth the strongest economy on the planet and use it to shift the culture of the world like Joseph."

—Dr. Bill Winston

"Believers are supposed to bring forth the strongest economy on the planet and use it to shift the culture of the world like Joseph."

—Dr. Bill Winston

The Joseph Center®

Is uniquely positioned to answer this prophetic call.

Specific Initiatives...

John Doe Image

Created to eradicate poverty by raising up entrepreneurs to provide jobs, training and resources to underserved communities.

John Doe Image

Create an equity fund to finance Kingdom Solutions.

John Doe Image

The Joseph Center Foundation will also provide scholarship for entrepreneurs

Since opening, the PTAC at the Joseph Center® provided entrepreneurs in Contracts valued at
$1.16 billion.

More than 10,000 trained
since 1998, students received training through workshops and classes held at The Joseph Center®.

To date:
Forty-Seven $1 million.
enterprises opened at JBS.

Over 500
international business leaders Trained from 28 countries and across 6 continents through our Train the Trainer program to start Joseph Business Schools.