The tithe partners you with God and is part of your Kingdom stewardship. Tithing is a biblical principle that cannot be ignored or discarded if you want to be successful in every area of your life.

This ministry tithes off every monthly income, at least, to give to righteous causes as God directs. God promised in the Book of Malachi that He would open up the windows of heaven and pour upon His people, who tithe, a blessing they would not have room enough to receive. This ministry is a witness and recipient of this truth.

Many Christians have misunderstood Malachi 3:10. As Oral Roberts wrote, God does not pour money, houses, or cars from heaven. His blessing comes in the form of ideas, concepts, and insights (ICIs) in the hearts and minds of His people.

It is then our responsibility to receive the ICIs He gives us and be fruitful, bringing forth million- and billion-dollar businesses that will meet the needs of humanity and establish His covenant throughout the earth.